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Method 1 : Show All Icons in Taskbar Notification Area It might be possible that the Windows 10 upgrade icon is present in Task...
Microsoft is readying a first public preview of its next version of SQL Server, called SQL Server 2016, for delivery this summer. The...
Introducing Microsoft Edge: The New Windows 10 Browser Microsoft Edge is the all-new Windows 10 browser built to give you a be...
Microsoft annonced the latest version of its Office 2016 preview today with a significant change: it saves to the company’s OneDrive clou...
Windows 10 Technical Preview Build-To-Build Detailed Windows 10 Tour in just 8 Minutes!
Introduction au nouveau navigateur Microsoft Edge A l'occasion de la Build, sa conférence annuelle à destination des ...
New Microsoft HoloLens - Transform your world with holograms
- is a web application developed by Microsoft which uses facial-recognition technology to predict the age and sex of people pi...
Visual Studio Code - a code-optimized editor for Windows, Mac, and Linux Visual Studio Code (I call it VSCode, myself) is a new free dev...
Microsoft has finally revealed that Windows 10 will officially launch on July 29th, 2015 . The release d...
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