lundi 3 août 2015

Fix "Get Windows 10" Upgrade app icon is Missing

Method 1 : Show All Icons in Taskbar Notification Area

It might be possible that the Windows 10 upgrade icon is present in Taskbar but its hidden. You can show the icon by using following steps:

Right-click on the date/time in Taskbar system tray and select "Customize notification icons" option. It'll open a new window. Now enable "Always show all icons and notifications on the taskbar" checkbox and it'll show all icons in Taskbar.
If the Windows 10 upgrade icon was hidden, it'll appear now in Taskbar.

Method 2 : Enable Get Windows 10 (GWX) Using Registry Editor
There is a Registry tweak available to enable or disable Windows 10 upgrade app and icon. It might be possible that the Registry setting in your computer is set to not show the icon in Taskbar.
Just set the value of DisableGWX DWORD to 0 or delete the DWORD. The method also contains ready-made Registry script to automatically enable or disable GWX app and its icon.
NOTE 1: Also go to following key in Registry Editor:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\UpgradeExperienceIndicators
And in right-side pane, make sure values of UpgEx and UpgExU are set to Green. If their values are different, change them to Green.
Also make sure Genuine string is set to 1.
If you can't find above mentioned values in "UpgradeExperienceIndicators" key, you'll need to create them manually. You can match values of all available strings with following screenshot:
Restart your computer to take effect.

Method 3 : Manually Run Get Windows 10 App
If the upgrade app has been installed in your computer, you can try to manually run the app by going to "C:\Windows\System32\GWX" folder and run GWX.exe file.
It'll add the icon to Taskbar and then you can access the app by clicking on the icon.

Method 4 : Manually Install Required Windows Updates

If you don't see GWX folder in your computer, that means "Get Windows 10" upgrade app is not installed in your system. To install the upgrade app, you can try to install the required Windows update yourself.
Following are the direct download links of the required update KB3035583 which is responsible to install "Get Windows 10" upgrade app and its icon:
Just download and install the update and your Windows will start showing Windows 10 upgrade icon in Taskbar notification area.

Method 5 : Allow OS Upgrade by editing  Registry

Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\OSUpgrade
Create the following value DWORD 32 and set name "AllowOSUpgrade"  and set value "1"
Now Check Windows Update you will be able to get Windows 10 Upgrade.

Method 6 : Media Creation Tools

Download MediaCreationTools to Create boot media or Upgrade directly your windows from this tools.

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